AO Scan Mobile Technology


The most crucial aspect of good health is determining what is wrong in the first place.


The AO Body Scan is among the most advanced methods for detecting problems all the way down to the cellular and DNA level.


The Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation of each cell and organ in the body is unique. When these oscillations are interrupted, whether, by injury, food, stress, or emotion, the biological function is impaired. When left untreated, this can lead to fatigue, disease, depression, illness, and even death.


More than 120k of these Vibrational Frequencies have been extracted, identified, and cataloged over the last 20 years. If these frequencies are compared to the individual scanned results, knowing the ideal oscillation or frequencies of various cells and organs can help in understanding the root cause of a person's health status.


Some of the advantages of the AO Body Scan include:


  • Comprehensive scan that is both safe and non-invasive
  • Provides a detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissues of the body
  • Can detect future health problems early enough for preventative intervention.


Issues the AO Body Scan Can Address:

  • Allergies / Sensitivities
  • Reproductive Function
  • Bacterial Diseases
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Blood Panels / CBC Report
  • Bone & Muscle Condition
  • Cardiovascular Issues
  • Chakras
  • Heavy Metals
  • Viruses
  • Fungus / Mold
  • Major Organ Function
  • Immune System
  • Vitamins / CoEnzymes
  • Digestive / Gastrointestinal Function
  • Genetics
  • Parasites
  • Thyroid Function

How Does the AO Digital Body Scan Works?

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is an integration of Russian, German, Spanish, Asian, and American technologies. The majority, if not all, of this technology, is based on the theories of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein, and others, who believe that everything physical is essentially energy frequency at its most fundamental level.

In an AO Body Scan, three modalities are used.

1. Bio-Resonance Recognition: This method sends a specific signal from the brain to the system via a pair of tiny transducers placed in the front of each ear. The brain uses this information to determine which region of the body is being scanned.


2. Bio-Resonance Comparison: This method receives and sends the resonating frequency of the specified body part to the brain and compares it to a known homeostatic frequency that the organ, tissue, or other body components should be vibrating at if healthy.
The software then compares the two frequencies, determines how near they are to one other, and assigns a value between 1 and 9, with 5 signifying perfect harmony and higher or lower than 5 suggesting stress or under-activity.


3. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics: In this procedure, a Sympathetic Vibration is sent back into the body to help organs, tissues, and other body parts that are not in their homeostatic range to return to the optimal range.